Wednesday's Program:  McKayla Matlack, Development Workshop, Inc. - "Development Workshop, Inc. Overview"
McKayla Matlack,  President /CEO of the Development Workshop, Inc., will present "Development Workshop, Inc. Overview"

McKayla Matlack a wife, mother friend, boss and Civitan, has been married to her soulmate, Nate, for as long as she has worked for DWI, 17 years!  She began her career with DWI as a Developmental Specialist in 2005 out of our Satellite location in Salmon Idaho. In 2007 she became the Director over the services in Salmon. In 2008 her husband was relocated to Idaho Falls and she remained with DWI working in Idaho Falls as the Director over the Human Resource Solutions program, while maintaining her support with the Salmon services.  In 2010 she was promoted to the Director of Medicaid services in Idaho Falls, overseeing the Adult LIFE program.  In 2011 she was promoted to the Vice President over all Medicaid programs Idaho Falls, Salmon and Rexburg.  In 2017 she became a CARF Accredited Surveyor, benefitting Development Workshop and Community Rehab Programs across the Country. Most recently, in 2019 she was promoted to the President/CEO. Her proudest accomplishment to date is surviving her first 2 years as CEO during a pandemic and celebrating with DWI, 50 years of success.  When she is not working, she has two children Cooper (12) and Natalie (16), who keep her very busy and yet she still has time to dedicate many hours to her 2nd family; the Civitan Club of Idaho Falls, Hearts and Hands Civitan Club and Shining Stars Junior Civitan’s.  She has worked closely with other Civitan members to support youth, the homeless, the disabled, and her community. Giving to others is her first passion, next to being a Las Vegas Raiders fan. She also has a hairless cat named Howie and a dog named Duke. 

January is Rotary International "Vocational Service" Month.
Program Chair: Kristin Sanger
Greeter:  Bill O'Donnell
Sergeant-At-Arms:  Corey Stegelmeier

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